Admin groups provide security in XTRAC Administration because they control what XTRAC administrators can create, modify, or delete existing XTRAC components.
XTRAC Technical Services sets up an initial admin group that the start-up administrator belongs to. You can add other admin groups. You must then specify one or more admin groups for each operator who is also an administrator.
Note: An operator who is not creating, modifying, or deleting XTRAC components does not need to be assigned to an admin group.
You must also specify a default admin group for administrators. When an administrator creates an XTRAC component, XTRAC tags it with the administrator’s default admin group. Only administrators that are assigned to this admin group can modify or delete the record.
By itself, an admin group does not lets an administrator modify records in XTRAC Administration. The administrator also must have the necessary access through security groups.
Note: Assigning administrators to the admin group that was used to create their operator profiles might let them avoid security mechanisms. For example, they could change their own security groups.
To assign an operator to an admin group, you must either belong to that group or be its creator.
For example, Jane, the chief administrator, is in the ADM1 start-up admin group. She creates two additional admin groups: ADM2 and ADM3, and assigns them to her operator profile. She is now a member of all three admin groups. She then sets up operator profiles for Dan and Ellen, two other administrators, as follows:
Dan and Jane can modify the records Dan creates, because both are in admin group ADM2. Because Ellen is not in ADM2, she cannot modify Dan's records. Similarly, Ellen and Jane can modify Ellen's records but Dan cannot.
You may see an admin group named TRAK that has a padlock symbol next to it. Only XTRAC Technical Services uses this admin group.
The default admin group is the first group that is assigned to a record. You must designate a default admin group before you can create records.
For example, Jane creates an ADM1 default admin group. She creates a component while in that default group, so Dan cannot modify that component. If Jane changes her default admin group to ADM2 and then creates the component, Dan can modify the component.
Note: The default admin group is part of the entitlement set. If that entitlement set is associated with several administrators, changing the default admin group affects all of the administrators that are using the entitlement set. Avoid changing another administrator’s default admin group and changing the admin group that owns any components that other administrators created. We recommend that you define an entitlement set for each default admin group that you use when creating or modifying XTRAC components. If you then need to change your current default admin group, you can switch to the entitlement set without affecting the default admin group of other administrators. For details, see Entitlement Sets.
Note: To define an admin group, you need the Create and Administration Group security functions as part of the security group that is associated with your entitlement set.
To create an admin group
XTRAC adds the new admin group to the list.
Note: To remove an admin group from the list, select it and click Delete. You can also click the Delete check box.
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